
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Office for Catechetical Formation (OCF) assists the Archbishop of Philadelphia in his primary responsibility of the teaching of the Catholic Faith. The OCF fosters and supports the catechetical initiatives of the Archdiocesan Catholic Elementary Schools and Parish Religious Education Programs. To ensure that the beauty and the truth of the Catholic faith is presented with fidelity, the OCF promotes the ongoing faith formation of Directors/Coordinators of Religious Education, Catholic Elementary Administrators, Teachers and  Catechists.

Registration is OPEN!!  
Catechetical Convocation

For more information, CLICK HERE
English Flyer | Spanish Flyer
Registration Deadline: March 12, 2025

Catechetical Sunday- September 15, 2024

Please know of my thoughts and prayers for you and your catechists who have offered your “fiats” in participating in this most sacred and time-honored ministry.

This year’s theme, “Lord, when did we see you hungry” Matthew 25:37. This year’s theme Our theme reflects our call to missionary discipleship.  As St John Paul II reminded us: The universal call to holiness is closely linked to the universal call to mission. We are called to be eucharist by word and action to our brothers and sisters in Christ. Our times cry out for this kind of holiness, one inflamed by the ardent determination to bring as many of our brothers and sisters as possible to Christ.

Catechetical Sunday-USCCB Resources
Commissioning Service – CLICK HERE

Prayer Requests

The Office for Catechetical Formation (OCF) invites you to submit a confidential prayer intention HERE